Page 10 - 1975 Year Book
P. 10

                                 Quote: Greater love hath No Man than
                                    this, that a Man lay down his life
                                    for his Friends.
                                 Fav. Exp.: Push me — it's OKAY.
                                 Pet Peeve: When my sister's alarm
                                    clock goes off in the morning,
                                    liars and a certain someone.
                                 Cher. Mem.: Childhood, summer
                                    night at expo 1967, good times
                                    and friends, cold shower. An  MANUEL VOURTZOUMIS
                                    experience with G   ?       Proto: Myself.
                                    (73 74)                     Quote: Sedaway (Biology)
                                 Act.: Swimming, hunting, physical  Fav. Exp.: It's about time you
                                    exercise, camping, etc.        teachers get down to some work.
                                 Amb.: Loving and laughing, B.B. in  Pet Peeve: Playing pool.
                                    K. To become a great  ?     Cher. Mem.: Quebec trip.
                                 Fav. Occ.: Being at the right place at  Act.: Soccer, floor hockey, decorating
                                    the right time, drawing and lying  committee, student council.
                                    in the SUN.                 Amb.: Businessman.

           PETER STROUZAS (Scrooge)
           Quote: "Mathematics is the root to
              all scientific knowledge."
           Fav. Exp.: Don't get excited.
           Fav. Occ.: Listening to my physics
              teacher who taught me everything
              I know which is nothing.                                                 ANDRE VRIONIS
           Pet Peeve: Exams, assignments,                                              Proto:Onassisthe late.
              homework, and cleaning fish.                                             Quote: To be Greek or not to be
           Cher. Mem.: 1972 at High School                                               Greek, that is the question.
              of Montreal.                                                             Fav.: Alright, what's happening?
           Act.: Floor hockey, chess and                                               Fav. Occ.: Millionaire.
              checking in the halls (1973).                                            Cher. Mem.: Quebec Trip '74-75.
           Amb.: To finish high school.                                                Act.: Floor hockey, Karate club.
           Pastime: Day dreaming.                                                      Amb.: To become an optometrist.

                                                                 ALAN WAINER
                                 MARIE THORNE                    Proto: Being myself.
                                 Proto: Somebody who is tall!    Quote: The world is what you
                                 Quote: "If you love something, set  make it.
                                    it free; if it comes back, it's  Pet Peeve: Waking up on weekday
                                    yours, if it doesn't, it never was."  mornings.
                                 Weakness: Charles Layne (Larry)  Cher. Mem.: January 9, 1971
                                 Fav. Occ.: Having Fun! ! !      Amb.: Accountant, successful in
                                 Act.: Sports (all kinds)           life and card shark.
                                 Amb.: Key Punch Operator and to  Pastime: Playing cards in the
                                    lead a happy life.              Library.

           Quote: Knowledge is the treasure,                                           SUSAN WASSEMAN
              but practice is the key to it,
              because no man's knowledge,                                              Proto: Being myself.
              here, can go beyond his exper¬                                           Quote: "What's here today is gone
              ience: Learning makes the wise                                              tomorrow."
              wiser, but the fool more foolish,                                        Fav. Exp.: What are you doing?
              so learning by study must be won.                                        Cher. Mem.: July 28, 1974.
           Pet Peeve: Hypocrites.                                                      Act.: Not coming to school.
           Amb.:         a GREAT                                                       Amb.: Model.
              GREEK.                                                                   Fav. Occ.: Horseback riding.

                                 BILL TZAVARAS
                                 Proto: Pete Mahovlich.
                                 Quote: "Listen, Ding Dong, you're
                                    confused! "                   PETER WLASENKO
                                 Fav. Exp.: Just shut up, buckethead!  Proto: Myself.
                                 Pet Peeve: Losing!               Quote: He who talketh by the yard,
                                 Cher. Mem.: Getting 100 in Functions.  and thinketh by the inch, should
                                 Act.: All sports, especially hockey.  be kicketh by the foot.
                                 Pastime: Watching T.V.           Fav. Exp.: Tell me another one.
                                 Fav. Occ.: Listening to Ralph    Pet Peeve: School hours.
                                    Lockwood's morning show on    Pastime: Raiding the library.
                                    C.K.G.M.!                     Amb.: Engineering.
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