Page 4 - 1975 Year Book
P. 4


      EDITORIAL                                                                                     MESSAGE

         A tradition cannot be created in a year; it must         In my short time at Baron Byng High School, I

      grow. The "Echo”, Baron Byng High School's Annual         have come to know many of the students. I am

                                                                always impressed by the honesty and co-operation
      has been responsible and privileged to produce the
                                                                of most of our students, even if we might have
      fifty-fourth edition of the "Echo”. My editorial staff
                                                                different points of a story. There are many whom
      had great difficulty to accomplish a worthy record
                                                                I have not met, because they are the young people
      of accounts that have happened this year.
                                                                who go about their responsibility in a quiet manner.

                                                                To these boys and girls I would like to say "hello",
         This book is something that each student should
                                                                and to say that the office is here to help when you
      be proud to have as a diary of the past.
                                                                need help.

         To both students and staff we offer this — your          The most important assets that I have observed

      book.                                                     in Baron Byng are the boys and girls who know how

                                                                to be friendly, helpful,and who are always smiling. I feel
         I wish to extend my many thanks to my editorial        that the creative energy that our students display in their

      staff, Mr. Narick and Mr. Kouri for many arduous          many actions will aid them when it becomes their

      hours.                                                    time to carry out mature responsibilities and enter

                                                                into the world of business or further studies.

                          Sincerely,                                                Good luck.

                          Michael Bailey.                                          S. Wasilewski.

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