Page 7 - 1975 Year Book
P. 7

GRADS 1975

                                                           GEORGE DEROS
                                                           Proto: George Deros, The Great Greek
                                                           Quote: It will cost you a groaning to
                                                             take off my edge
                                                           Fav. Exp.: Morri, hey you with the
                                                           Pet Peeve: Waking up in the morning
                                                             especially Monday
                             CATHY AXAIS                   Cher. Mem.: This nice girl I know
                                                           Act.: Member of the Funny Farm,
                             Dear Baron Byng,                Library Noise Squad and others
                                                           Amb.: To succeed in life
                             Thanks for four years of Education  Some girls are like some kinds of
                                                             fruit — you have to peel them
                             C's Archeological Institution.  to get to the inside

                                                                                 MANUEL DOULIS
                                                                                 Proto: Jean Bdliveau
                                                                                 Quote: Don't wander, find out what
                                                                                   you want out of life and then act
                                                                                 Fav. Exp.: "Ah! Boys! Boys!
                                                                                 Pet Peeve: Discriminators, irrational
                                                                                 Cher. Mem.: Camping trip at Glen Da¬
      MICHAEL BAILEY                                                               le Lodge
      "Last but not least."                                                      Act.: Sports
      Cher. Mem.: Five years at B.B.H.S.                                         Pastime: Enjoying life
       Act.: Student Council, Echo, Red                                          Fav. Occ.: Playing hockey
         Cross '74                                                               Amb.: Do not want to state any
       Amb.: Artist and to be succesful in                                         "Vaulting ambition, which o'erkaps
         life.                                                                     itself and falls on the other" ! !
                             NICK BELTECAS
                             Proto: Jim Connors
                             Quote: To be a cheater is nothing,
                                but to be a safe cheater!  MARY GOLMAR
                             Fav. Exp.: You freaker, for God's  Proto: J.R., B.A., C.A., W.B. . .& G.M.
                                sake.                      Quote: "Students unite, you have
                             Pet Peeve: Going to boring places.  nothing to loose but your chains! "
                             Cher. Mem.: On April the 24, 1975,  Fav. Exp.: "Do you know, how many
                                when the physics class went to  desserts I could have bought with
                                Ottawa.                      that? "
                             Act.: All sports, especially floor  Fav. Occ.: KNIGHT OF ERUTUF
                                hockey.                    Cher. Mem.: October 9, 1958 at
                             Amb.: To be succesful in life.  9:20 P.M. (in Belgium)
                             Pastime: Listen to records, read and  Act.: To be bounded in a nutshell,
                                watch T.V.                   and call myself queen of infinite
                             Fav. Occ.: Walking around on a hot  space
                                day.                       Amb.: Gourmet
      GEORGE CHILIDIS (Chilly)
      Proto: Professional ball player
      Quote: Look not for beauty
        nor color of skin, but look for
         the heart that is loyal within.
      Fav. Exp.: Oh! Lord! Up to it
        kick it                                                                 WANDA HASZCZULSKI
      Fav. Occ.: Riding my bike, relaxing                                       Quote: Happy are the merciful since
        the mind                                                                   they will be shown mercy
      Pet Peeve: Rainy days, getting up at                                       Fav. Exp.: No kidding I didn't know
        6:30 in the morning                                                        that! Tell me some more
      Cher. Mem.: The day I came into this                                      Pet Peeve: Mini skirts, football, small
        world                                                                      print books
      Act.: Floor hockey, soccer                                                 Cher. Mem.: March 74, November 73,
      Amb.: Graduate, be a draftsman, raise                                        January 58
        a family
      Pastime: Soccer, tennis, dancing soul                                     Pastime: Baseball, swimming, track
                                                                                   & field
                            HELEN CHILIDIS (Leni)
                            Proto: Artist
                            Quote: The love in your heart wasn't
                              put there to stay. Love isn't love
                              till you give it away
                            Fav. Exp.: Jesus! I shucks! I welll I
                              Don't you worry George! You
                              dont't say? "Shall we? "     ESTHER HATZIDAKIS
                            Fav. Occ.: Making people happy  Proto: Myself
                            Pet Peeve: Half grinds, egotists,  Quote: "What a piece of work is a
                              goodbyes, crying at movies,    man"
                              people staring               Fav. Exp.: "Get lost! "
                            Cher. Mem.: Summer of '73. July  Pet Peeve: Boring people
                            15. M-P.S. August 8 EX+PS (X.K.)  Cher. Mem.: Summer of '74
                            Act.: Going up and down B.B.H.S.'s  Act.: Prefect, school play, math club
                              stairs                       Amb.: To get into the field of busi¬
                            Amb.: Become an esthetician. Fulfill  ness
                              all my dreams                Pastime:Doing anything
                            Pastime: Listening to records, drawing,
                              dancing, walking in the rain,
                              visiting my nephew Tony.
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