Page 8 - 1975 Year Book
P. 8

                                                                Proto: Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
                                                                Quote: "All men are equal”
                                                                Fav. Exp.: Drop dead.
                                                                Pet Peeve: The people who hate me.
                                 MARY HUM                       Cher. Mem.: The fun we had in the
                                 Quote: Life is not a drag if one gives  Chemistry class (1973-74).
                                    it a chance.                  ( It was a riot)
                                 Fav. Exp.: "Oh yeah! "  "You   Act.: Different kinds of sports.
                                    think you're funny? "       Amb.: To be successful in life.
                                 Pet Peeve: Big shots, snobs.   Pastime: Fool around.
                                 Act.: Skating, bicycling, music,  Fav. Occ.: Cracking jokes in Mr.
                                    movies.                        Rampersad's class (Great Guy).

                                                                                      JOHN KORBIS
                                                                                      Proto: Clint Eastwood.
          GEORGE ILKICH                                                               Quote: Sex is a game where two can
          Proto: Mr. Rampersad's son.                                                   play and both can win.
          Quote: That is the bell that summons                                        Fav. Exp.: Unreal, Far-in.
             me to heaven.                                                            Fav. Occ.: Listening to music, and
           Fav. Exp.: Go    yourself.                                                   loafing around.
           Cher. Mem.: Michael Bailey's gradua¬                                       Cher. Mem.: Quebec trips '74'75.
           Act.: Echo photographer, treasurer,                                        Act.: Prefect D.J., Decorating
                                                                                        Committee, Floor Hockey, Rugby,
             sports. Edgar's Mafia, Student.
                                                                                         Red Cross.
           Amb.: Engineer.                                                            Amb.: To buy a motorcycle.

                                                                 POTA KOUMOUTSAKIS
                                                                 Quote: "Some men see things as they
                                                                   are and ask 'why'.
                                 DENNIS KALDIS                     "I dream of things that never were
                                 Baron Byng — A place to remember  and ask 'why not'.”
                                                                 Fav. Exp.: Oh, fudge!
                                                                 Fav. Occ.: Being with my friends and
                                                                   listening to music.
                                                                 Cher. Mem.: Summer of '73 and the
                                                                   day I was born.
                                                                 Act.: Prefect, Greek play.
                                                                 Amb.: To be successful.
          Proto: Jerry Lewis, because I imitate
          Quote: Nice guys don't always finish
             last but you have to work your
             tail off to get to the top three! ! I
          Fav. Exp.: "Hi People” "You old
             smoothie."                                                                 YUEN LEE
          Weakness: Michael Sarrazin.                                                   What's Hecuba to you,
          Pet Peeve: People who never smile                                               or you to Hecuba,
             and short males.                                                           That I should weep for you?
          Cher. Mem.: 1973 at a summer school                                              What would you do,
             "Youth for Youth”.                                                         Had you the motive and the cue
           Amb.: Ground Hostess.                                                           for passion that I have?
           Act.: Floor Hockey, Volleyball,                                              You'd drown the school with tears
             reading and T.V.                                                              and cleave the general
          B.B.H.S. means to me: A second home                                           ear with horrid speech.
             with nice people (teachers                                                    But not I.
             included).                                                                         By Ham Lee.
                                                                 EMMANUEL LIAPAKIS (Leo)
                                                                 Proto: Dave Schultz.
                                                                 Quote: "To be or not to be, that is
                                                                    the question."
                                                                  Fav. Exp.: "Either shape up or ship
                                GEORGE KANELLOPOULOS                out.”
                                Proto: Myself                    Fav. Occ.: "Cracking jokes in Mr.
                                Quote: Friend, teachers, enemies lend  Ibrus's Class.”
                                   me your hands, so I can break  Cher. Mem.: The time I won the
                                   them for you.                    1973 bantam and junior table
                                Fav. Exp.: "Don't rip your pants    tennis Championship of Baron
                                   Buster”.                         Byng.
                                 Fav. Occ.: Teaching Mr. Halpin funny  Act.: All sports (especially table
                                   farm noises.                     tennis), watching T.V., listening
                                 Cher. Mem.: When Baron Byng got a  to Alice Cooper, togar Winter
                                   new librarian.                   group, Deep Purple. . .
                                 Act.: Rugby, Badminton, Ping pong.  Amb.: To be successful in life.
                                 Amb.: To get through in school.  Pet Peeve: Going to boring classes.
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