Page 9 - 1975 Year Book
P. 9

                                                           Proto: To be me and only me.
                                                           Quote: To do what you want to do
                                                             is to be free.
                                                           Fav. Exp.: "O" "Lord" & "Don't
                                                             bug me."
                            PETER M AK R ISSOPOU LOS       Pet Peeve:Hates ties on guys. Boring
                            Proto: Mr. Universe.             parties.
                            Quote: To be or not to be.     Cher. Mem.: Summer of 69. A
                            Fav. Exp.: Slap him silly.       summer in February.
                            Fav. Occ.: Going to school.    Act.: Enjoy playing tennis.
                            Cher. Mem.: Quebec Trip '75.   Amb.: To become a criminal lawyer.
                            Act.: All sports.              Pastime: Reading or listening to
                            Amb.: To fly.                    records.

                                                                                 STEVE SIFAKIS
                                                                                 Proto: Myself
                                                                                 Quote: Try it, you will like it.
                                                                                 Fav. Exp.: Let us discuss the
                                                                                   problem "Kids".
      STELLA MANGIORIS                                                           Pet Peeve: Waking up in the
      Quote: We know what we are, but                                              morning to go to school & do
        know what we may be.                                                       physics.
      Fav. Exp.: You're kidding.                                                 Cher. Mem.: June 23, every year.
      Pet Peeve: People who act smart.                                           Act.: Play ing sports man! ! I
      Cher. Mem.: June 1974 — the                                                Amb.: (Get my school leaving),
        whole summer.                                                              pass Physics (one way or the
      Act.: Prefect.                                                               other).
      Amb.: To be a successful business                                          Pastime: Of course, play with
        woman.                                                                     girls! ! !
                                                           LEA SMILOVICI
                                                           Proto: Me, myself and I! and
                                                             probably a voice like Barbara
                                                           Quote: To be or not, what was the
                            SOULA MESSINIS                   question?
                            Fav. Occ.: Doing Gymnastics.   Fav. Exp.: "Really Darling! "
                            Cher. Mem.: Spring of '75.     Weakness: Clothes, shoes and food!
                            Act.: All sports, prefect.
                            Amb.: Any suitable job that pays  Also Robert Redford, Paul
                              well.                          Newman, James Caan. . .
                            "Life is not simply something which  Pet Peeve: Hypocritesand homework!
                              is capable of being enjoyed,  Cher. Mem.: Being with friends in
                            but something capable of being   B.B.H.S. and having listened to
                              improved.                      teachers making jokes in the
                            The greatest of all pleasures is to  classroom. Ha! Ha!  Also
                                                             activity day.
                              work for its improvements.
                                                           Act.: Television, love and just plain
                                                             living it up!
                                                           Amb.: Whatever destiny has in store
      LAKIS PIATOPOULOS                                      for me!  Actually. . . (Stewardess,
      Proto: Wilt Chamberlain.                               secretary or dancer).
      Quote: There are no bad words, but
        bad thoughts.
      Fav. Exp.: "No hard feelings, eh? "
        "Don't tell me? "
      Pet Peeve: Listening to teachers who
        don't know what the hell they're
        talking about.
      Cher. Mem.: When I won the award ol                                        TOM STAMATAKOS
        second leading scorer of basket¬                                         Proto: Myself.
        ball teams in G.H.A.A.                                                   Quote: To be or not to be myself.
      Act.: Vice-President of Greek club,                                        Fav. Exp.: "Oh! my lord! ”
        perfect player of soccer and                                             Fav. Occ.: Going to Greece in 1972.
        captain of basketball team.                                              Cher. Mem.: July 25, 1974
      Amb.: Every dream of mine come                                             Act.: All my activities are out of
        true.                                                                      school.
      Pastime: Reading favorite books,                                           Amb.: A successful human being in
        sports, music and teasing girls.                                           this world.
                                                           JAMES STATHAKIS (Smiley)
                                                           Proto: Fred Flinstone.
                                                           Quote: "He who seeks a compliment
                                                             finds truth."
                                                           Fav. Exp.: "Heavy" "Far in" "Let's
                                                             get rolling".
                                                           Fav. Occ.: Telling Mr. Field to take
                           PEGGY RAPATSOULEAS                vitamins so he can grow up to be
                            Quote: There is many a good man to  a fine boy.
                              be found under a shabby hat.  Cher. Mem.: The day I left Baron
                            Fav. Exp.: "I gave it to you, damn  Byng High.
                              it."                         Act.: Rugby, joking with all students
                            Cher. Mem.: Feb. 11, 1975        & teachers, leader of Library
                            Amb.: To be happy and successful in  Gang.
                              life and to reach the top of my  Amb.: To get a master's degree in
                              ambition (social worker).      CHARM.
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